Pantomime Auditions – Character Descriptions
The auditions for our next pantomime, Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood, are fast approaching. They will take place on Wednesday 21st June from 8pm, Sunday 25th June at 2pm, and Sunday 2nd July from 3pm onwards, all at St James Church Hall.
Here is a list of characters in order of appearance:
PRINCE JOHN. Ruling the country whilst his brother King Richard is away on the Crusades. Envious of his brother and a generally nasty piece of work.
FAIRY NUFF Would like to be a top fairy, but unfortunately has yet to pass her exams.
CEDRIC, the Sheriff of Nottingham. The class Pantomime “Baddie”. He is a ruthless villain.
MAID MARION The Principal Girl. In love with Robin Hood but a strong character in her own right.
FRIAR TUCK One of Robin’s Merry Men”. The audience should love him.
HUGH, a Soldier. Works for the Sheriff, but probably has a good heart.
RALPH, another Soldier. Works with Hugh, certainly not a bad man.
ROGER LIGHTFOOT A travelling Minstrel, also one of Robin’s Merry Men.
TOM & CHERRY. The Babes.
ROBIN HOOD The Principal Boy. Tries to protect the poor & needy from the Sheriff & Prince John.
LOCKSLEY Robin’s dog. Non-speaking part but needs to show emotion.
WILL SCARLETT Robin’s right hand man, proud to be a “Merry man”
LITTLE JOHN Just the sort of man you would want on your side!
NURSE CLARA CALAMINE The Babes’ nurse. (The Dame role)
GRABBIT &SCARPER They are 2 Robbers, but although they would like strike terror in people’s heart, they can only just about strike matches.
KING RICHARD Only makes 2 appearances in the pantomime but he is a very important character in the story.
EDITH Maid Marion’s chaperone, trikes to help in any way she can, but is inclined to get her words muddled up.
TAVERY MUCH The Milliner.
JANE. The Milliner’s assistant, has severe crush on Robin Hood, but never manages to meet him!
BOOT. The Alchemist.
NOTHING MUCH & WAYTOO MUCH. Tavery Much’s children.